actual data to prove out and justify the decisions that are being made . One would think that the government would want us to have all the information so that we might better understand the situation and maybe not be so rebellious in our outcry to those same decisions .
I also have to ask this , if the data in one province says that gyms should be closed , why are other provinces gyms open ? Does the reasoning stated that they are closed because heavy exercise causes more air to be exhaled not hold true in all gyms ? I know for a fact that it would be same no matter the city or province .
Juan Rojas wrote a particularly good article on the impacts gym closures have had on the fitness community and you can read it here on page 22 . Understanding how you are feeling and how your body is reacting to less frequent workouts is important . If you need the resources he has listed , please use them .
governments as well as most federal and police department gyms remain open because the health and well-being of these people is important to the infrastructure ...” My response to this person was less than kind when I asked “ Is a taxpayer ’ s health and well-being any less important ?”
Asking the same types of questions as to why rock climbing facilities , dance classes , professional athletes and the like are allowed to operate and perform simply gets you back to the same type of logic . A logic that is random and makes no real sense in a real world setting .
I read that the governments , pretty much across Canada , are allowing the NHL to operate in all capacities including workouts in gyms that are closed to the public simply by the NHL providing a written set of protocols and saying they will follow them diligently . Is this not what you forced privately owned facilities to do early in 2020 ? Thousands of individuals are involved in that organization including players , staff and the arena staffing . Are these people not susceptible to the virus ? Are the protocols they put in place any different than what a boutique gym has adapted for their own much smaller outlet ? I rather doubt it .
In conclusion I must also ask a favour . Some have expressed so much good on all the media platforms while others have been attacking the governments , more specifically the premiers of the provinces . Please understand that while ultimately the performance of the province is their responsibility for this situation I believe they are only the delivery boys . There is a team of doctors , scientists and yes other politicians whose advice they are using and whose guidelines they are announcing . The questions some of you have asked and I am asking here should be directed to the source of the rules and restrictions , the health boards for your individual areas . I suggest you contact them in the form of a letter , respectfully worded , and ask for the data and reasoning behind the closure of the gyms . If any of you get a straight sensible answer please forward it to me .
Until we meet again , stay safe !
Well we have pretty much established that logic , although spoken of , played no real part in the decision making process . What I find intolerable is the aloof manor that information is presented and the lack of 27