You need to create a personal brand that is unique and professional to represent you on and off the stage .
As an amateur athlete and competitor , you ’ ve worked hard to get to where you are and compete in shows sanctioned by the Canadian Physique Alliance . If you ’ ve ever wanted to get more out of your fitness endeavour and build partnerships ( even paid !), you need to create a personal brand that is unique and professional to represent you on and off the stage . This identity is tied to specific values and motivations you have for yourself and how you want others to see you .
Why is personal branding important ?
As a competitor , you know that competing in shows cost you time , money , and effort . If you want to make the most out of your time , a strong brand strategy will open opportunities to work with brands and companies that can compensate you for your efforts . These can be in-kind partnerships for products , or even paid partnerships if you have cultivated a strong personal brand that influences others .
How to create your personal brand ?
1 . Write down your brand by coming up with a few values and principles that are important to you .
2 . Develop a digital identity by using social media . Make sure that your social accounts align with your personal brand and that they are public pages that you update regularly .
Subscribe to The Physique Business Podcast where we talk about making money in the fitness industry . We interview athletes and other fitness entrepreneurs and talk about the importance and how to develop a brand .
Corey Swiergosz
Host of The Physique Business Podcast Canadian Physique Alliance Promoter
Social Posting Schedule For Success
1 . Post to your main page a minimum of twice a week with a thoughtful caption .
2 . Be active in your “ stories ” daily with a minimum of 1 post that shows your personality or point of view .
3 . Like a minimum of 3 posts , comment on 3 posts , direct message 3 people , and follow 3 new people daily . This step will take no more than 5 minutes a day and I can assure you it will open up opportunities within a few short weeks .