Training with a purpose was also an outlet to deal with various stresses but now what do we do ?
When we compete , we compete for a reason .
all bodybuilders and coaches . The coronavirus , revamped training conditions , changing competition venues and precautionary protocols have thrust additional pressures onto bodybuilders who already face a variety of challenging circumstances .
Are you ready to make lemonade out of the Covid lemons ? Consider your history of overcoming obstacles as well as other bodybuilders overcoming similar obstacles .
What happened as a result of overcoming those past obstacles ? The lemonade is that you developed the mental strength and confidence to succeed in dealing with your current situation .
Certain details may differ but overall an obstacle is an obstacle and we wouldn ’ t be where we are today without finding a way to address and overcome them . When you can identify examples in your life of overcoming obstacles , it provides proof that you can deal with your current situation .
Mentally tough bodybuilders look for an answer to overcome challenges instead of feeling helpless about the problem .
How to Build Mental Toughness Amid Adversity :
• Build your resiliency resume . Make a list of relevant situations you overcame and outline how you overcame those circumstances .
• Identifying with past challenges that you successfully overcame helps you face future adversity with a mentally tough mindset .
• Look for examples of bodybuilders you know who faced similar situations and look at how they were able to overcome these challenges .
If you need suggestions on how to address adversity , please contact me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at
lesley @ timbol . ca so I can help you look at that situation with a “ bring it ” mentality .