how to avoid burnout and dropout By Lesley Timbol (Adapted from Patrick Cohn at Peak Performance Sports, LLC.) Have you ever been so frustrated with a lack of improvement that training and following a competition diet doesn’t seem worth the time and effort? At times you feel like walking away from competing because you feel so burned out or have a lack of enthusiasm? Bodybuilding is demanding but some athletes increase those demands by putting excessive pressure upon themselves. These athletes can become too focused on results that they heap unrealistic expectations upon themselves. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THEY EXPECT TO WIN FIRST or overall in all competitions THEYEXPECT THAT THEY HIT certain standards in each competition, best poser or PRO STATUS THET EXPECT THEY SHOULD beat certain competitors THEY EXPECT PERFECTION THEY EXPECT TO ACHIEVE THEIR personal goals every year despite unfortunate circumstances THEY EXPECT TO NEED A perfect physique to step on stage THEY EXPECT EVERYTHING to be perfect to win their category When bodybuilders fall short of their expectations, frustration ensues, doubts creep in, confidence drops, mental and physical energy wanes, performance suffers, injuries are more likely to happen, passion dwindles and burnout can start to set in. Many bodybuilders try to ramp up efforts when they are not seeing results. They train harder. They train longer. They enter more competitions. They seek out more coaching. All which ends up being counterproductive. all you want to do is move on from the anxiety and frustration you feel when you experience burnout. The physical and mental efforts no longer seem to make sense. 70% of children quit organized sports by the time they are 13 years old. Burnout, not having fun and losing interest are some of the culprits of sports dropout. Many professional athletes, Olympians and elite athletes experience burnout. They become too focused on winning that they forget why they compete and lose their love for their sport. To avoid burnout you need to let go of high expectations and demands for achieving excessive standards. How to Avoid Burnout and Dropout: Results will follow when you feel rejuvenated. Step away from competing to develop a renewed perspective and regain your passion for competing. Obsessing about how far you are from reaching your goals only instills a feeling of failure. Find the right fuel to drive your passion. "Why do you do what you do?" the late Ken Ravizza would ask his athletes. Understand why you compete and having the right motivation to compete will keep you in the game. Be mindful of striving to meet expectations, worrying about what others think about your game, and being motivated by fame or popularity. These are not good motivators. If you need help managing your expectations contact me at (416) 805-6155 or email me at lesley@timbol. ca to learn how to avoid burnout and dropping out of bodybuilding. 79