JED WIGHTMAN - ADVANTAGE FITNESS LTD WE ARE A SMALL BUSINESS THAT HOLDS GREAT PRIDE IN OUR WORK. WE ARE BUILDING, TRANSFORMING AND EVOLVING DAILY. OUR CLIENTS RECEIVE OPTIMAL NUTRITIONAL PROGRAMMING THROUGH OUR RESEARCH INTO HEALTH, FITNESS AND HOLISTIC PRINCIPLES. At Advantage Fitness Ltd we share a passion for life and healthy living through fitness and holistic nutrition. We take great pride in our Fitness & Nutrition Programs. Here is a little more about who we are and what defines us. Jed's passion for health and fitness started as a young boy, the first time he saw an “Arnold” movie I was hooked. I am a certified Performance/ Sports Nutritionist and Strength and Conditioning Coach. I have an extensive education in Organic Biochemistry and Physiology. I founded Advantage Fitness Ltd 17 years ago, and building Pro athletes, to many Sports Clubs winning championships, I have helped thousands of clients of all ages and capabilities across the globe achieve their health and fitness goals. My motto; EMPOWERMENT-INDEPENDENCE-SUCCESS Our goal is to provide the very best in Nutrition & Fitness Programs. Our promise, to each client, is to deliver education, coaching and support no matter how big or small their individual goals. We want you, our valued client, to be happy and healthy. Here is a complete list of our services. based on client goals. · Fitness & Cardio Coaching. · SAQ Development. · Sports Specific Strength & Conditioning Programs. INDIVIDUALIZED AND TAILORED MEAL PROGRAMS · Fat loss, Muscle Gain, Weight Management. · Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, Bikini & Fitness Contest Prep in season and off season coaching. Online and 1 to 1. · Type 1 & 2 Diabetic Lifestyle Management · Quick and easy recipe ideas FITNESS AND NUTRITION EDUCATION · Our Advantage Fitness Ltd Health Homework assignments help to educate and empower clients for long term success and independence. Online and 1 to 1. · How we can use food and vitamins as medicine. · Eating healthy on the road. · Debunking food myths. · Finding a healthy work/life balance. · Lifestyle Coaching for couples as a team or individually. · Creating a healthy mind, body identity and image. · 1 to 1 youth and senior fitness and nutrition coaching. CONTEST PREP AND TRAINING · Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, Bikini & Fitness Contest Prep, in season and off season coaching. Online and 1 to 1. · Posing classes, seminars and 1 to 1 lessons. · Beginner to Advanced 1 to 1 personal training at your gym, outdoors or the comfort of your own home. · Individualized training programs @advantagefitnessltd