Surprised by his answer, the interviewer asked Ronnie how that was possible, to which Ronnie simply replied, “It never occurred to me. I had to follow my diet and that’s it.” Champions always have patience. No matter what you think, there is no such thing as an overnight success. If anyone tells you differently, they are simply lying to you. Every successful person in history has put in many years of work long before we knew who they were. A great example I like to use to demonstrate this point is one of my clients, IFBB Azaria Glaim. At the time she won the Overall Figure title at Nationals, Azaria was only 20 years old. She had become the youngest woman in Canadian history to ever turn IFBB Pro in Figure. Many thought she had become an overnight success, but that only people closest to Azaria knew was that she had been weight training for over 5 years before she thought of competing. That’s one- quarter of her life dedicated to competing before anyone knew who she was. Champions like Azaria are willing to invest their time and effort in the long term to achieve their goals. They don’t just give up because something didn’t go their way. Not every day is going to be perfect, but as long as you are giving your best then every day is going to be a success!  Conclusion By adopting the champion’s mindset, you will no longer define your success by what trophy you win. Instead, you will be able to see each loss as opportunity to learn, and take it as one step closer to achieving your bigger goals; you will not waste valuable energy wondering if you are doing enough because you will be too busy doing what you MUST DO; and you will not focus on becoming an IFBB Pro in just one season, but rather embrace your time in the amateur ranks so you can develop into a great athlete. When the day comes and it is your name that emcee reads out after “… and your Overall winner is …” you will do so as a CHAMPION!