the physique competition world called “ peaking ” or “ peak week .” This just means that certain strategies are used in order to make the body look at its “ peak ” of perfection right at the time that the show comes . This is done by using different techniques the last few days prior to a show in order to manipulate the way you look . The goal is to have the muscles at their fullest while having as little subcutaneous water as possible in order to see the maximum amount of definition and vascularity . I want to preface this with the fact that EVERYBODY is different and follows a different strategy . Even within the same coach , no two athletes ’ peaking protocols should be the exact same . Within the last 48 - 60 hours with my athletes , many decisions are made on the fly depending on how their body is responding . Although there is a general outline , a good   coach will make sure to constantly communicate with you these last few hours in order to make sure you “ peak ”. I had the privilege of competing at the very first Toronto Pro Show Qualifier on June 1st and 2nd of 2018 . This was such an amazing show , full of the highest calibre of competitors from around the world . Although I did not place in the top 5 , I was extremely happy with how I presented my physique and how I was able to “ peak ” with the help of my coach , Skip Hill . Everything was timed perfectly for Friday at noon , which was when prejudging occurred . Timing is everything when it comes to peaking . Many athletes “ carb up ” a few days prior to the show , many do a very small carb up the day of the show , etc . Everybody has different methods as everybody ’ s body responds differently .  I will give you guys a rundown of what