CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 8


For Natural Regional Shows : - Top 3 qualify to the Natural Canada Pro Qualifier and the Ben Weider Natural Pro Qualifier for 12 months from the date of their last natural regional competition .
For Open Regional Shows :
- Top 3 qualify to the Toronto Pro Qualifier , the Vancouver Pro Qualifier and the Canadian National Pro Qualifier for 12 months from the date of their last open regional competition .
For Open Pro-Qualifier : - Competitors must maintain a Top 5 placing at an open Canadian Pro Qualifier to keep his or her qualification for 12 months from the date of the open Pro Qualifier . Those not placing Top 5 at one of the Open Pro Qualifiers maintain their qualification for 12 months from the date of their last open regional competition .
- Top 15 from an open Canadian Pro Qualifier qualify for 12 months from the date of said competition to the North Americans , Amateur Olympia US ; Amateur Arnolds US and any Worldwide Open Pro Qualifier .
For Natural Pro-Qualifier :
- Competitors must maintain a Top 5 placing at the Natural Canada Pro Qualifier and the Ben Weider Natural Pro Qualifier to keep his or her qualification for 12 months from the date of the competition to these Natural Pro Qualifiers . Those not placing Top 5 at one of the Natural Pro Qualifiers maintain their qualification for 12 months from the date of their last Natural Regional competition .
- Top 15 from Natural Canada and Ben Weider Natural Pro Qualifiers qualify for 12 months from the date of the competition to any Natural Pro Qualifier Worldwide .
- Competitors can cross over ( compete in multiple categories ) at the regional level .
- All first-time competitors are eligible to compete in the True Novice category ( never competed with the CPA in any category at a bodybuilding or physique competition ). The True Novice category provides no qualifications , just awards and bragging rights ).
- All competitors who did not place in the Top 3 in any category in a CPA competition may compete in the Novice category . The Novice category provides no qualifications , just awards and bragging rights .
- Competitors may compete in all categories at the regional level .
- You CANNOT cross over from Open to Natural . You must be qualified in both to compete in both Natural and Open Pro Qualifiers .
- Competitors can cross over ( compete in multiple categories ) at the Pro Qualifier level ( provided they are qualified IN THOSE categories ). You cannot compete in a division at a Pro Qualifier that you are not qualified in . For instance , a qualified bodybuilder CANNOT cross over into Classic Physique at a Pro Qualifier level unless qualified . The same applies from an open class to a master ’ s class .