CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 25




You have dieted like an absolute professional for the last 20 weeks . Perhaps you didn ’ t even have a single cheat meal this entire prep . You have been starving at times and even learned to enjoy eating plain cod and green beans . Whenever hunger strikes , you keep in mind the goal of winning that overall at your next show .
Show day comes and you are in the absolute best shape of your life . Dry to the bone , the skin around your muscles looks like Saran wrap and you can ’ t believe the day finally came to see all your hard work turn to fruition .
Very quickly the show is over , Ron or Rudy told you that you did a great job and that they ’ re excited to see you next time on stage as you have a bright future ahead .
The high of the show is over and you finally get to enjoy a meal that you have been craving for the past 20 weeks . After you enjoy a monstrous sized pizza and some cake you find yourself finishing the night with cookies and chocolates .
The next day comes and your aunt patty is making you that shepherd ’ s pie you love and your friends bring over that ice cream cake you didn ’ t get to have because your birthday landed on your prep .
Monday rolls around and you are now planning to get back on track with your diet after seeing the scale go up a bit since show day . You get back to work