CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 23

So how do you bounce back from a sports injury ?
The first step in bouncing back is to process your emotions . The sooner you can work through your intense emotions , the quicker you can move forward . The next step is to evaluate the severity of the injury with a sports doctor , physical therapist , or athletic trainer . Afterward , create a rehabilitation plan , including how you will work on building your mental toughness . Each week , assess your progress and adjust your plan as necessary .
Each of these steps helps you focus on solutions or positive action . The goal is to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of control throughout the recovery process to return to competition physically and MENTALLY stronger .
You ’ ve heard me say this before : control the controllables . Focus on what you CAN control , such as your recovery process . Focusing on what you CAN do helps you maintain a positive perspective and can improve your mental and physical recovery .
I want you to set 3 athletic or rehab goals each day , i . e . 15 minutes of visualization , maintaining a positive attitude during rehab , discussing game strategy with your coach , or strength training . Setting goals helps you move forward and to build mental toughness along the way . If you ’ re struggling with creating a positive mindset , processing your emotions , building your mental toughness , or controlling the controllables , please text me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at lesley @ timbol . ca .
MINNECT ( I answer your questions by text / video ) https :// app . minnect . com / expert / LesleyTi mbol Instagram lesleyt _ mental _ iron YouTube https :// www . youtube . com / c / LesleyTimbol Facebook lesleytimbol
You can also focus on what you CAN control by setting goals , which helps to maintain that positive and productive focus .