1 . Anything is possible as long as you set your mind to it . Before finding this beautiful sport I was a very lazy and demotivated person . When you see people being “ successful ” in whatever you may consider the definition of this , oftentimes many think “ I could never do that .” I grew up like this . When I began as a kid training I was very overweight ; seeing changes and making goals changed my life . I said I wanted to do competitive bodybuilding and many said I could never do that , or would even laugh at me . Once I realized it , I saw that as long as I set my mind to something I can achieve it .
2 . No matter how hard a period of time may seem , you CAN get through it . From that all out interval where you feel like your lungs will explode , to the hour long cardio session , to waiting for that next meal because you are starving , to those last 8 weeks of contest prep that seem grueling . Going through these situations and coming out victorious has taught me that if I can get through it with my training , I can do it in other aspects of life . Whether it is an argument with a loved one , a stressful period of time at work or at school , or even an unexpected situation that set you back financially . Things will always work out if you brainstorm and create a plan of action .
3 . Creating a strategy for your goals and having measurable benchmarks . Most people coast through life expecting for the best . I would do the same workouts when I first started training over and over again hoping to get better results each time . I only started seeing true results when I would set goals and create a plan to reach them . Successful people brainstorm , research and create a plan of action in order to be able to increase their chances of success . Having measurable benchmarks allows you to see how great your plan is working . If it is not working , no problem , try something new until you find what works for you .
4 . Everybody ’ s journey is different . We all want to be successful as quick as possible . “ How did this person get rich by 25 ? How did this person reach this milestone so quickly ? How is this person Mr . Ontario by 22 years old ? I ’ m never going to reach my goals at this pace .” These words have resonated through anybody looking to maximize their potential at one time or another . Although there are certain people who reach great things faster than others , it does not matter , because your journey is unique to you . Your story is still being written and all you can do is take the power in your hands of working hard and keep pursuing your passions .
5 . The only thing you should be scared of is getting to the end of life regretting not maximizing your potential . There are many times I would finish a workout and know that I could have pushed myself harder . That I could have done more reps , or fatigued the muscle to a greater degree . These thoughts haunt me all the way until my next workout . This is a very scary thought for me . If I was on my deathbed I would like to know that I truly maximized my life to the best of my ability . This can be in terms of my personal goals , my relationships and even helping others . As long as I know that I gave life 100 % effort and helped people along the way , I will be happy .
6 . You will never make everybody happy , so prioritize yourself . If you try to make your parents , your teachers , your coaches , your spouse etc . all happy at the same time