CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July - August 2022 | Page 16

thought if I get to 300 pounds then I ’ ll finally like how I look . Why ? Because , I ’ ll be something great ! The numbers will matter and everyone that I see in the gym as well as around me , will tell me that I ’ ve met some high level of elite echelon and that would validate me , I ’ d feel like I “ got there ”. Again , I was not happy , I was pretty lost , I didn ’ t know myself and I couldn ’ t see myself . Crazy right !? Lost with all the help right there ! So in my reflection , if I would ’ ve just listened and put my limited knowledge to that point in my life on the shelf , and accepted and administered the guidance , I would have loved how I looked experienced a process of health mind body much more so than I was living . Ultimately creating the unavoidable the eventual falling on my face , does this
attention gyms restaurants grocery stores etc . Oh and holy cow I was strong , I felt like rubber everything , just bounced and ricocheted and recovered , nothing made a dent . Six plate deadlifts , four plate benches , curling 185 on the Olympic bar , close grip bench with 3 1 / 2 plates … you know , the gnarly stupid stuff you do when you ’ re young . “ Weight ” “ numbers ” EGO .
Leg day , was on Sunday at that time , I would go in after a big cheat day on Saturday , 10,000 calories burgers and pizza of course . I ’ d go to leg extension and pound off five sets progressively , working up to the stack for 25 reps each , then take a short break which I thought was a short break which was like 2 sound familiar to anyone ?
So I was just big everywhere . For any of you that know what it ’ s like to be 275 at 5 ’ 10 ” everybody that sees you either scoffs , or stops to scoff or just has to say something to you about being that guy . So , yup ego feeding was happening even more than the hate , but still the hate fed my ego . Also , remember this was before any real social media Facebook was kind of a thing but not really yet . So it was all of this organic
1 / 2 minutes maybe longer lol . Then do 25 reps from the stack all the way down dropping two plates per drop set . That was my warm-up , then I ’ d wrap my knees , my training partner would have the bar 5 plates a side set up in the rack , 495lbs belt on knees wrapped up , get a good spot for my trusty training partner ( miss you bro thanks for many years of that awesome shit we did every day together ). I ’ d get 10 to 12 reps , pretty bouncy , pretty easy then he would drop a plate aside , I will try to get
thought if I get to 300 pounds then I ’ ll finally like how I look . Why ? Because , I ’ ll be something great ! The numbers will matter and everyone that I see in the gym as well as around me , will tell me that I ’ ve met some high level of elite echelon and that would validate me , I ’ d feel like I “ got there ”. Again , I was not happy , I was pretty lost , I didn ’ t know myself and I couldn ’ t see myself . Crazy right !? Lost with all the help right there ! So in my reflection , if I would ’ ve just listened and put my limited knowledge to that point in my life on the shelf , and accepted and administered the guidance , I would have loved how I looked experienced a process of health mind body much more so than I was living . Ultimately creating the unavoidable the eventual falling on my face , does this
attention gyms restaurants grocery stores etc . Oh and holy cow I was strong , I felt like rubber everything , just bounced and ricocheted and recovered , nothing made a dent . Six plate deadlifts , four plate benches , curling 185 on the Olympic bar , close grip bench with 3 1 / 2 plates … you know , the gnarly stupid stuff you do when you ’ re young . “ Weight ” “ numbers ” EGO .
Leg day , was on Sunday at that time , I would go in after a big cheat day on Saturday , 10,000 calories burgers and pizza of course . I ’ d go to leg extension and pound off five sets progressively , working up to the stack for 25 reps each , then take a short break which I thought was a short break which was like 2 sound familiar to anyone ?
So I was just big everywhere . For any of you that know what it ’ s like to be 275 at 5 ’ 10 ” everybody that sees you either scoffs , or stops to scoff or just has to say something to you about being that guy . So , yup ego feeding was happening even more than the hate , but still the hate fed my ego . Also , remember this was before any real social media Facebook was kind of a thing but not really yet . So it was all of this organic
1 / 2 minutes maybe longer lol . Then do 25 reps from the stack all the way down dropping two plates per drop set . That was my warm-up , then I ’ d wrap my knees , my training partner would have the bar 5 plates a side set up in the rack , 495lbs belt on knees wrapped up , get a good spot for my trusty training partner ( miss you bro thanks for many years of that awesome shit we did every day together ). I ’ d get 10 to 12 reps , pretty bouncy , pretty easy then he would drop a plate aside , I will try to get