CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July - August 2022 | Page 12

What are the main distractions that affect your performance ? In what competitive situations do you find focusing more difficult ?
Distractions can be described as unneeded noise in your mind .
Some noise is internal such as your self-talk . You have probably experienced times when you thought , “ I ’ m not good enough ,” or “ Other bodybuilders look better than me .”
Other distractions or noise exists externally , i . e ., negative comments or behaviours from others , negative press , social media comments , etc .
How you deal with noise will directly impact your performance . It would help if you realized external noise is only noise . External noise distracts you from focusing on the moment , especially when circumstances are stressful .
However , you can choose to tune out external noise or buy into the negativity from others .
When you buy into the negativity , that external noise creates internal noise . In other words , when you internalize outside negativity , that affects your thoughts , creates doubt , and causes you to question your ability to perform . information selectively , you will be able to stay focused in the moment .
Performing at your peak requires tuning out the noise . You have no control over the negative comments and behaviours of others , but you do have control over your reaction .
Handling External Noise
One way of handling negativity is refocusing on what ’ s important . Refocusing is a strategy to remind you of your deeper “ why ” you ’ re doing this in the first place .
When you notice external noise , interrupt those thoughts with , “ It ’ s just noise .” Immediately following that cue , specify what you want to pay attention to , “ Now , focus on …”
Remember , what you focus on is a matter of choice .
If you would like to learn how to address the internal and / or external noise , please text me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at lesley @ timbol . ca so that I can help you properly refocus your attention by controlling your reactions .
For example , buying into the negative comments from the Internet ‘ armchair quarterbacks ’ before a competition might create doubt in your ability to perform under pressure .
Or your coach yelling at you after going off your meal plan might cause you to spiral downwards and sabotage the rest of your prep or peak week .
Or a trash-talking opponent might lead to anger and agitation , causing you to overdo it in the gym resulting in injury .
You deal with external noise by filtering out destructive comments and paying attention to instructive feedback . When you process


( Adapted from Dr . Patrick Cohn at Peak Performance Sports , LLC .) By Lesley Timbol

What are the main distractions that affect your performance ? In what competitive situations do you find focusing more difficult ?

Distractions can be described as unneeded noise in your mind .

Some noise is internal such as your self-talk . You have probably experienced times when you thought , “ I ’ m not good enough ,” or “ Other bodybuilders look better than me .”

Other distractions or noise exists externally , i . e ., negative comments or behaviours from others , negative press , social media comments , etc .

How you deal with noise will directly impact your performance . It would help if you realized external noise is only noise . External noise distracts you from focusing on the moment , especially when circumstances are stressful .

However , you can choose to tune out external noise or buy into the negativity from others .

When you buy into the negativity , that external noise creates internal noise . In other words , when you internalize outside negativity , that affects your thoughts , creates doubt , and causes you to question your ability to perform . information selectively , you will be able to stay focused in the moment .

Performing at your peak requires tuning out the noise . You have no control over the negative comments and behaviours of others , but you do have control over your reaction .

Handling External Noise

One way of handling negativity is refocusing on what ’ s important . Refocusing is a strategy to remind you of your deeper “ why ” you ’ re doing this in the first place .

When you notice external noise , interrupt those thoughts with , “ It ’ s just noise .” Immediately following that cue , specify what you want to pay attention to , “ Now , focus on …”

Remember , what you focus on is a matter of choice .

If you would like to learn how to address the internal and / or external noise , please text me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at lesley @ timbol . ca so that I can help you properly refocus your attention by controlling your reactions .

For example , buying into the negative comments from the Internet ‘ armchair quarterbacks ’ before a competition might create doubt in your ability to perform under pressure .

Or your coach yelling at you after going off your meal plan might cause you to spiral downwards and sabotage the rest of your prep or peak week .

Or a trash-talking opponent might lead to anger and agitation , causing you to overdo it in the gym resulting in injury .

You deal with external noise by filtering out destructive comments and paying attention to instructive feedback . When you process