proteins in their diet and those that eat mainly plant-based proteins could benefit from adding some animal proteins a few times a week . Of course , this will be from a performance and health point of view assuming the person does not have specific intolerances to specific foods . There will always be that small percentage of people who may do drastically better with either end of the spectrum . foods are not necessarily the best to rely on in our diet .
What if you want to stop eating meat in order to reduce the impact of commercial farming and waste that they have on our atmosphere ?
Well , it depends how important this is for you . But if you want to make an impact without fully leaving meat , perhaps reducing your meat intake by 1 or 2 meals and replacing them with a plantbased protein can be helpful . Of course , this is dependent on the person ’ s conscience .
It also can really help to look for local , ethically raised meats . For example , cows that are fed grass naturally will not consume corn and other crops that are heavily sprayed with pesticides playing a positive role onto our environment .
Now that we see some of the science and we see the pros and cons of a plant-based diet and a diet that includes both , what is the best option for you ?
That depends . The answer usually lies in the middle . Is a carnivore diet the best diet for the majority of people ? Probably not . Is a vegan diet the best for most people ? Probably not .
Is a diet that mixes both plant-based foods and also includes a variety of animal foods the best in terms of performance , muscle growth , and perhaps health ? That is what everything seems to point to . Perhaps those who eat mainly animal protein could benefit by adding some plant-based
So next time you watch a biased documentary on why the carnivore diet is the best diet or why being a vegetarian is a sure way to age faster , make sure to look at the big picture and to look at the research . We are all made different and it is a matter of finding what works best for you , your goals , and your lifestyle .
References ;
https :// www . precisionnutrition . com / vegan-vsmeat-eater
https :// www . health . harvard . edu / stayinghealthy / considering-a-vegetarian-diet-is-meatfree-really-better
https :// www . piedmont . org / living-better / whatis-a-complete-protein
All Natural Supplements are generally available through your local stores . Dozens of brands are in production with more being added on a regular basis . One of the newest that will be hitting the market soon is EMPATHY PLANT CO . founded right here in Canada . Adrian Burke has been a long time fitness competitor and industry supporter and is working hard to develop this new and exciting product . If you wish to investigate plant based alternatives a good place to start would be the Plant-Based Foods of Canada site at ; https :// www . plantbasedfoodscanada . ca 24