circumstances) is necessary to function optimally. Not only do you want to function at your very best every day, but you also want to optimize your hormone production and recovery. The less you sleep, the less time your body is recovering from your workouts. When we sleep is when our bodies release important hormones like testosterone and growth hormone which are responsible for our body composition. The biggest key to proper sleep duration is scheduling it in. Go to bed on time. Stop watching TV or staring at screens before bed and start doing relaxing activities where you focus on slowing down the mind. Reading is a great thing to do before bed. These are what I consider the 5 columns of having a strong base to be able to get in the best shape of your life. You may be able to get in “good” shape by average standards but, I can assure you that you will never reach your full potential if you are lacking one or more of these necessities. This may be a reminder to a lot of you and if it is, great job! You are already working on being the very best version of yourself. Once you have these principles down pat, all your efforts will be multiplied and maximized inside and outside of the gym. You will be able to shed fat, build muscle and be happy much easier than if you lacked one of the above principles. When I first begin coaching someone, they look at me strange when I tell them this is what they have to focus on. They are seeking some sort of secret ultra low-calorie diet or some secret training program that has 100 sets for biceps (or glutes for the ladies!). But in reality, there are no secrets to getting in the best shape of your life. Just a lot of being conscious and aware of what your body and mind needs to respond a certain way. Once you have these principles down, with the proper direction of a mentor or coach, you can learn how to fuel your body properly and how to stimulate your body to transform. Then you will be shocked! Juan 27