maximize your results. Know what one thing I noticed with 99% of the people who come to me and fall into one of the above 5 categories is? They all share in common that they lack one of or more of what I call the 5 columns of your fitness success. This article is not about what diet you should follow. It is not about what the proper macro ratios are. It is not about what the best exercise is. It is not about what routine Dwayne Johnson follows or what the best steroids to get you shredded are. If you are dying to know those things, you most likely are lacking those 5 foundational columns I talk about. We all know nutrition is crucial and about it's shortcomings but that would be another article on its own. The 5 columns that you can do daily are assuming you are maximizing your nutrition. You will not need a fancy gym set up, or hundreds of dollars. Sure, having a proper diet and training program is important. Taking the right supplements can help you meet the physique you want faster. If you do not have these in check your results will not have a foundation to build upon. 1. Meditation- Meditate every day. I was a non believer at one point like most of you are as well. I thought this was something bogus that only yogis and monks did. It is not hardcore, it is not sexy, and I could not see how this was going to help me build big biceps. Well I was very wrong. I was stunned when one of my former coaches put this in my program. I respect him so I gave it a shot. I saw my life change . I was becoming more aware with my body. I was becoming more in tune with the processes inside me. I saw the importance of consciousness and being able to fortify the connection between mind and the body. This is how you contract muscles. The harder you can contract a muscle against resistance the more potential for that muscle to grow. Meditation does not have to be doing chants and connecting to the spirit world. Many people have this misconception. It is more about being able to clear the mind of all your stressors and focus on one thing or nothing. You can focus on your natural bodily processes, you can focus on your muscles, you can focus on the goals you have, or you can simply focus on emptying your mind. Whatever your personal meditation may be, you have to find something that will allow you to grow positively. When you meditate, your breath will slow down, your heart rate will slow down and your blood pressure will decrease. We are in a constant state of stress between our phones, social media, work, kids, friends and is not conducive to having the best possible physique. We want to aim to be in a restful state as much as we can. You can start with guided meditations which make it very easy to do and it could even be 10-15 minutes a day. It can be on your lunch break at work, it can be before bed, it can be before your workout or it can even be as soon as you wake up. You will find this will change every aspect of your life. The best and easiest way to begin meditating daily is by putting a timer for 10- 15 minutes on your phone and laying in a quiet room with your eyes closed. Begin focusing on your breath and slow it down. Use a 5 second inhale, a 2 second hold and a 5 second exhale as you breathe through your nose into your belly (not your chest). 2. Daily Blood Flow - It is crucial to get the heart rate up. Breathe through your nose and increase your cardiovascular abilities. No matter what your day throws at you, make sure you are doing something active every day. This can be a 30 minute walk first thing in the morning, push ups in front of the TV, a run with your dog or it can be a hardcore 2 hour workouts. Whatever it may be, never spend a day without moving. Today you get people so concerned about overtraining and saying they 25