YOURSTORY SUBMIT YOUR STORY | send your photos | share your journey We want to hear from you, our loyal readers. Do you have an interesting, unique or humourous story you can share? Consider it for publication here. Everyone in our community has a story. You made major accomplishments or had heart wrenching set backs. Our community is national and we would like stories from across Canada. You have all seen the stories so far. Tania Myrans shared her story in the last issue and in this issue Juliana Vallee shares her journey during a medical crisis.Special thanks goes out to Ali Sohrab for sending in the story. Your story or journey is just a s i n te r e s t i n g , i n f o r m a t i v e o r i n s p i r i n g . S e n d y o u r s u b m i s s i o n s to; [email protected] and we will have someone reach out.