CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January February 2023 | Page 19

Hello friends , our clients , athletes , news letter subscribers happy New Year 2023 to our growing AF Ohana . It such a privilege writing for the greatest competitive organization in Canada , The Canadian Physique Alliance , now on my third year and article # 17 . With each article I write , I feel such appreciation from all you who are spending your time reading my words today . I am grateful and thankful for all your questions , feedback , and your comments regarding each edition . Most recently article # 16 “ Lean Machine ”. For those of you who have not read it , head over and subscribe to our newsletter , at the Canadian Physique Alliance . Where you will find absolutely awesome content and the amazing articles from our other contributors , you don ’ t want to miss . Also head over and subscribe to my AF newsletter on my website . You can click my logo on the last page of this article , and it will take you right there .
Holy CRAP ! Here we are another year has passed with blinding speed . Is it just me ? Or does it feel to you also like last year , was just yesterday . A year ago , I was writing the January February 2022 edition for the newsletter , and BAM here we are a year later . It ’ s true what we are told when we are young , time only goes faster the older we get . Time goes faster ? Dare I say no it does not , we simply get older , our life becomes filled with more task , responsibility , overall , just more moving parts . Making the time that we have so much more constrained . Do you Remember vividly when you had the last month before schools out for the summer ? I do , how long that that last month took , like molasses in the winter . Compared to now a month , feels like honey in the hot sun , we are just so busy . I go to sleep when I wake up and it ’ s a year later , or so it feels .
As I write this for January 2023 , I can ’ t help but think of the Steve Miller song “ fly like an Eagle ”. Not only because it ’ s a great song , a classic song , but because of the chorus , “ Time keeps on slipping , slipping into the future ”. Really summarizes as what I was digging into the introduction . It seems a common theme in our culture , time , not having enough , it ’ s slipping away , always trying to make up for its loss . Now , we know deep down we can ’ t save it , and like with anything that we can ’ t save it ’ s even more valuable more important , special . Luke a blessing and a gift . The most valuable thing we have in our human journey is time , and we have no control over its passing . However , conscious of it , or not , we are deeply involved and woven into how we spend minutes , hours , days and the months becoming years that pass . So , we must be conscious of how we utilize it , some would say use but I like utilize , utilize has purpose in its meaning , when I think of that word “ use ” in this context , it feels taken for granted , something we should never do with the time , that we are blessed with each day .
So , friends , as we come to the close of another year , seemingly one gone by even quicker than , each before . I have two main questions to ask you all , and several that follow for you to ponder today . Did or do you make New Year ’ s resolutions ? If so , are they magnificent , life altering , life-changing , grandiose plans ? Like goals or standards that you have not yet reached . Like quitting a vice once and for all . Getting in shape , eating better , healthier and more discipline for health and wellness , or finally stepping on stage , or not deviating , or sabotaged yourself on

Revolving Resolutions

By Jed Wightman

Hello friends , our clients , athletes , news letter subscribers happy New Year 2023 to our growing AF Ohana . It such a privilege writing for the greatest competitive organization in Canada , The Canadian Physique Alliance , now on my third year and article # 17 . With each article I write , I feel such appreciation from all you who are spending your time reading my words today . I am grateful and thankful for all your questions , feedback , and your comments regarding each edition . Most recently article # 16 “ Lean Machine ”. For those of you who have not read it , head over and subscribe to our newsletter , at the Canadian Physique Alliance . Where you will find absolutely awesome content and the amazing articles from our other contributors , you don ’ t want to miss . Also head over and subscribe to my AF newsletter on my website . You can click my logo on the last page of this article , and it will take you right there .

Holy CRAP ! Here we are another year has passed with blinding speed . Is it just me ? Or does it feel to you also like last year , was just yesterday . A year ago , I was writing the January February 2022 edition for the newsletter , and BAM here we are a year later . It ’ s true what we are told when we are young , time only goes faster the older we get . Time goes faster ? Dare I say no it does not , we simply get older , our life becomes filled with more task , responsibility , overall , just more moving parts . Making the time that we have so much more constrained . Do you Remember vividly when you had the last month before schools out for the summer ? I do , how long that that last month took , like molasses in the winter . Compared to now a month , feels like honey in the hot sun , we are just so busy . I go to sleep when I wake up and it ’ s a year later , or so it feels .

As I write this for January 2023 , I can ’ t help but think of the Steve Miller song “ fly like an Eagle ”. Not only because it ’ s a great song , a classic song , but because of the chorus , “ Time keeps on slipping , slipping into the future ”. Really summarizes as what I was digging into the introduction . It seems a common theme in our culture , time , not having enough , it ’ s slipping away , always trying to make up for its loss . Now , we know deep down we can ’ t save it , and like with anything that we can ’ t save it ’ s even more valuable more important , special . Luke a blessing and a gift . The most valuable thing we have in our human journey is time , and we have no control over its passing . However , conscious of it , or not , we are deeply involved and woven into how we spend minutes , hours , days and the months becoming years that pass . So , we must be conscious of how we utilize it , some would say use but I like utilize , utilize has purpose in its meaning , when I think of that word “ use ” in this context , it feels taken for granted , something we should never do with the time , that we are blessed with each day .

So , friends , as we come to the close of another year , seemingly one gone by even quicker than , each before . I have two main questions to ask you all , and several that follow for you to ponder today . Did or do you make New Year ’ s resolutions ? If so , are they magnificent , life altering , life-changing , grandiose plans ? Like goals or standards that you have not yet reached . Like quitting a vice once and for all . Getting in shape , eating better , healthier and more discipline for health and wellness , or finally stepping on stage , or not deviating , or sabotaged yourself on