The question on our minds ! Will 2023 be the real turnaround year ? We started 2022 slowly with most CPA competitions below average in numbers but we finished 2022 with a record number of competitors in our two final contests . The King Kong Classic broke all records for a regional competition with a total of 650 entries between the natural and open contest and even more exciting out of that total , 448 entries competed in the natural event . This strong finish in my opinion was a signal to resurgence for the 2023 season , especially in natural competitions . The new qualification system now in place for 2023 will motivate more competitors to compete yearround to maintain their qualification or improve on it for the 2024 season .
The interest of first time true novice competitors wanting to experience competing on stage and a possible gold medal has always been a popular category and will surely increase in 2023 . I am confident everyone wants to break loose from the last two years of restrictions and lack of freedom . Our master competitors will be excited to learn that there will be more opportunities in both the Natural and Open categories to win pro cards to compete in more masters pro competitions around the world . In addition , the good news for 2023 is the return of the long-awaited Masters Pro Olympia Championships in Romania .
The Ben Weider Natural Pro / Am which will be hosted again in the USA on November 17th will be adding IFBB Pro Masters divisions along with opportunities to win pro cards at the Pro Qualifier in the Masters division . Yes , the natural movement is alive and thriving .
The CPA has added a few new competitions . The Alberta Winter Naturals will be the first competition of the year taking place on February 11th . With the Alberta Winter Naturals , we hope to bring some warmth to Calgary by having as many competitors as possible participating . Also coming back are two contests on the east coast with Nova Scotia Championships back on board along with PEI Physique Championships . The addition of these competitions provides more opportunities for competitors and now the CPA offers competitions in every province .
The Canadian Physique Alliance is unique as the first country to join the IFBB Pro League and NPC Worldwide . We are one of the few countries within the NPC Worldwide community where we have the privilege of promoting four Pro Qualifiers along with four Pro Shows .
At one time our competitors were restricted to competing as an amateur in their own province only in order to qualify to a Pro Qualifier . Now first-time competitors to seasoned competitors can compete in any province and as often as they want . We have also expanded our qualifications by which qualified competitors may compete around the world in both Natural and Open Pro Qualifiers . These destination competitions give our Canadian athletes an opportunity to win a pro card and at the same time experience the hospitality of other countries . Be sure to check the NPC Worldwide website to view all the Pro Qualifiers around the world .
Let ’ s keep the momentum going to make 2023 the strongest year ever . Wishing everyone the very best in the New Year .