ABOUT ADVANTAGE FITNESS LTD As a company we have over 30 years combined experience . From organic biochemistry , working with the constructs of our human cellular biology , the basic functions of life , to all forms of cell functions and how this effects our brains and bodies to promote the most powerful results in health and performance to kinesiology , the science of movement and biomechanics and form function and the logistics of exercise and its effects on the human body . Coupled with exercise physiology , involving specific changes in muscular , cardiovascular and neurohormonal systems and allows us
to increase functional capacity in strength and performance within all applications of endurance training and strength training . Advantage Fitness Ltd is comprised of athletes , mentors , guides , teachers and caregivers . We have chosen to devote our lives to the betterment of all humans that we work with , to encourage growth development and success in all areas our clients would like to achieve . We are here to lead our clients by being a living example and resource to achieving their best .