CPA ambassador
Stacey has always maintained a very active lifestyle . Aggressively competitive at times some might say . However , her biggest competition has always been herself . From age 3 to 16 , Stacey was an energetic to competitive Figure Skater , jumping so high off the ice it would make her Mother gasp ! This is exactly how Stacey has chosen to continue living her life ; jumping high and aiming even higher . Stacey began a career in Youth Justice when she was 21 years old and quickly started a family . The focus of her life was her work and her kids for many years , putting her own health and fitness to the side . It didn ’ t take long for Stacey to realize in order to be her best self , she needed to make time for herself . Have you ever received the compliment ,” You look so good for a _____?” Well , this comment in particular , “ You look so good for a mom of two !” was exactly what pushed Stacey out of her comfort zone . She couldn ’ t accept constantly being defined as only a mom . There was so much more to her she wanted people to see . In 2017 , Stacey competed in her first CPA bodybuilding competition in the Figure Division and placed 1st . She immediately started planning her second prep for a Pro-Qualifier , self-coached and naïve , riddled with passion . In 2018 , Stacey became a Certified Personal Training Specialist and a Certified Nutrition Coach , offering these services to others , and guiding her back to the CPA Natural Stage in 1st place in 2019 . Competing has changed Stacey ’ s perspective , and what she loves the most is that you can be any version of yourself on that stage . Her infectious personality and positive mindsets naturally and effortlessly influence anyone that crosses her path . She found motivation in herself by uplifting others to reach their goals . A sense of accountability mixed with accomplishment became her driving force to share her knowledge and help others . Stacey ’ s goals now are to prep for the Natural Pro-Qualifier in 2021 , but more so to influence and encourage others to challenge and face their own personal barriers and become what they really want themselves to be , and better ! Life balance is key to success in her eyes and her approach is to lead by example . Stacey is absolutely thrilled to be a CPA Ambassador , and knows this is just one more step in this incredible journey she is on .