CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January/February 2021 | Page 31

for years . Since 2009 , I have actively participated in six shoots , and with each shoot , my confidence grows , my insecurities weaken , and my body image improves .
I have been transitioning in and out of cutting / training phases for over 13 years , each with a different goal , end state . It is a science , albeit a soft science ; one which involves a lot of trial-anderror . But my most important takeaway from these last 13 years is this : I have limitless opportunity and a tremendous amount of latitude , and with the correct combination of training , diet , discipline and attitude , I can build any physique / obtain any conditioning that I so desire . I am not limited by genetics , nor am I confined by time . I am only constrained by my own unwillingness and self-limiting belief that I can ’ t . This is what motivates / inspires me to train so hard - I am excited by the limitless possibilities of body transformation and what I can achieve with my physique / physical conditioning .
On that note , I am so very excited to announce that I am currently training for my very first competition in the figure division . Competing has always been on my radar , but until now I have held back by my doubts , believing that achieving the physique / conditioning needed was out of my reach . This year , a shift in perception occurred and my attitude has gone from “ I can ’ t ” to “ I can , and I am confident that I will .”