CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January/February 2021 | Page 3

Read Lindsay ’ s story page30


WOW , 2020 is finally gone ! What a year this has been . Whether your experiences within this year were good , bad or indifferent it will be a year always remembered . I want to thank the contributors to our newsletter . Articles , stories , photography and video are so important to the successes we enjoyed this year . Each and every one came through despite the circumstances . Our readership in 2020 rose significantly and we are going to continue to bring you interesting articles and stories . The CPA saw its share of disappointments in 2020 with a severely reduced number of contests and cancellations of all of our National and International events . Our promoters made some difficult choices . Those that were able to hold their shows did so under the most stringent guidelines possible , voluntary and imposed and should be congratulated . Those that were forced to cancel by demands of the greater community and government should take heart in the fact that we understand that you really had no choice . 2020 did bring some great moments that really shouldn ’ t be ignored . Our Head Judge Rudy Jambrosic was back on the judge ’ s panel for shows in the latter part of the year , on the mend and eager to get on with his passion . Our promoters , creative in their own right stepped it up a notch and created shows seemingly out of thin air . Venue changes and last minute reschedules led to some pretty impressive contests all across Canada . On to 2021 , what will it bring ? You ’ ll notice a few changes in the newest edition of the Newsletter . We have added new layouts , a new writer and a new ongoing feature . Where will we end up in the grand scheme of politics and science this year , who knows ? With all the closures , gyms , small retail and all the restrictions it will , unfortunately , be a year of harsh decisions and many compromises . As a community who has been adversely affected by some irrational decision making we have a choice , give up and stop trying or find a way to continue . This one thing I can assure our readers , we at the CPA Newsletter will continue to bring you interesting articles , great stories and maybe even a fun feature or two . Wishing you all a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you soon !