CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January/February 2021 | Page 27

6 . Leave the ego at the door- It is not about the weight , but it is about how you do the movement . Completely forget there is a weight in your hands . Before you do any movement , think about , what does the muscle I am trying to work actually do in terms of its range of motion ? The goal is to do the movement while focusing on shortening and lengthening that muscle and there just happens to be a weight in your hand . Too many people are focused on moving big weights , that they never properly load the muscles and fail to see results . By following the tempo I mention above consistently , you will be forced to use weights that may not be as heavy as you swinging weight around , but will be the best bang for your buck in terms of results .
Remember , transforming your physique is all about having an intrinsic focus . Bodybuilding is about giving the body the internal stimulus to change . Try giving this back routine a try for a few weeks while focusing on improving the weights , the reps or the form for a few weeks . Make sure to take before and after pictures to let me know how it worked for you !
Vertical movements :
Horizontal movements :
Wide grip pull ups
Barbell rows
Underhand grip pull-downs
Chest supported rows
Rack chin ups
Machine rows
Medium neutral grip pull-downs
Cable rows
45-60 degree incline bench shrugs
Stabilization thickness movements : Deadlifts Mid Shin Rack pulls Barbell Hyperextensions