CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January/February 2021 | Page 13

With all the technology available to us these days we tend to ignore some of the simplest ways to achieve a modicum of fitness at any level .
Resistance bands , kettle bells , dumbbells ( even if they happen to be homemade ) offer so many ways to achieve basic fitness levels .
Straight up body weight exercises are likely the simplest and most affordable routines to maintain your bodies . That was always the way we did it before we had the equipment and technology .
The restrictions , whether under lock down or not have and will continue to severely impact our community , no question . We have lost several exceptional businesses to controls being implemented . Right or wrong , it is the reality we must deal with at the moment . Can we and should we protest these restrictions , yes to both . The question then becomes , how . That is a question where the answers will not come easily and perhaps an article for another time .
2020 taught us some very valuable lessons . We learned to exist without many of the privileges we are accustomed to , learned to be a lot more creative in the way we reach our fitness goals and in thinking outside the box have a better understanding of what it really takes to create a liveable compromise while the world figures out this mess we find ourselves a party to .
More and more individuals are realizing that a healthy body and mind are one of the greatest tools in combating any illness or disease . The technology available is allowing people who would not normally participate , find themselves in the fitness community . After all , even with no gyms , we are still a community . I see encouragement every day on social media , in conversations with members across Canada and in conversations with our promoters and service providers .
Do any these alternatives match the excitement and anticipation of attending your gym , not really , but in today ’ s reality we will make the most of the compromises we choose .
We should also mention that one of the best exercises for body and mind is likely the simplest of all . A simple walk .