Marissa Hegmann
Where do you live?
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Are you a student or do you work?
I am a part time student on and off. I
do work as well.
If student what are you studying?
Marketing and cinematography part
If working what do you do?
I am a waitress at a bar in my city, and a
part time personal trainer. I also own a
part-time business in videography for
small businesses in my city.
What got you interested in competing?
After losing 140lb, on my own, I
became a different person physically
and mentally. This really changed the
game for me. I discovered competitions
through my friend who had won her
own IFBB PRO card during our time
working together as personal trainers.
I had always been proud of my
accomplishment of losing weight. I
wanted to do something where I could
put myself out of my own comfort zone
even more.
How many CPA shows have you
competed in?
Two shows in one year (2019).
What show were you awarded the
Spot Light Award?
The Natural Canada IFBB Pro Qualifier
in Toronto 2019.
How would you like to inspire others
in the fitness industry?
If you’re struggling with your own
weight loss journey just know it takes
one step at a time to achieve a goal.
It doesn’t happen overnight but with
repetition equals success, so don’t give
up. Everyone starts from somewhere.
Just because you can’t lift as much as the
person next to you, doesn’t mean that
you don’t belong in the gym. Everyone
is there for the same purpose.
What is your favorite workout
My favourite workout routine is when
I work on my hamstrings and my chest
with some accessory work. I also like
to tie in some cardio at the end.
Do you compete for fun or are you
working towards the Pro card?
It’s always fun competing. I was very
serious about getting my pro card, but
I’m only 21 and I’ve decided to take a
year to go to school and educate
myself first. I’ll come back to the stage
after I have completed my education.
What made you choose to compete
with the CPA?
My coach really thought that I would
thrive with the CPA, I am an all natural
competitor and want to stay that way.
If you had any advice for anyone
thinking of competing what would it
You can do it! Get that suit on, get
your butt on stage and feel what is
so amazing being on stage. It is a
totally different feeling, nothing you
have ever experience before. To finally
know you did it! You’re stage ready and
you’ve reached that goal that at one
point felt impossible. There is blood
sweat and tears when getting to this
point, and you finally did it! You feel
invincible. You feel the biggest sense
of accomplishment. Competing saved
my life! It gave me so much! I would
recommend it to anyone.