About the CPA: The Canadian Physique Alliance is the only organization in Canada to be recognized by the IFBB Pro League. The CPA holds over 50+ amateur and professional competitive events throughout the year across Canada, making the CPA the largest physique organization in the country, both in terms of the number of competitions held and the competitors that compete nationally. CPA events also receive tremendous media exposure in all the country's leading physique magazines and across numerous websites/online resources. If a highly competitive bodybuilding & fitness environment that offers tremendous potential for growth appeals to you, then the CPA is where you want to be advertising. STATS: 5000+ members 50+ competitions across Canada CPA mailing list 11,000+ with over 3000 online subscribers Social Media Instagram: 34.5+K Facebook 10+k Melissa Melnychuk Online editor & social media director Melissa Melnychuk can be reached at [email protected]