Show Sneak Peak!
April 7, 2018 | GNC/Allmax Jim Morris
Classic | Stratford, ON April 14, 2018I Vancouver Island
Showdown I Victoria, BC
This year’s Stratford show on April 7, 2018 is The CPA is coming to Vancouver Island this
dedicated to Jim Morris, a man who brought spring! After a three year hiatus, we’re proud
passion, energy, and vision to bodybuilding to bring a show back to Victoria, British
in Ontario. Columbia. On April 14, 2018, athletes will take
The 2018 Jim Morris Classic will carry on the the stage at the McPherson Playhouse, looking
tradition of Jamor Productions’ Annual to earn a spot to compete at a Pro Qualifier.
Festival City Championships. Now in its 30th The Vancouver Island Showdown will host all of
year, this show is the longest-running the IFBB competitive categories, and will
regional show in Ontario! To mark this also feature the Novice division for first-time
milestone and provide new opportunities for competitors. For more information, to buy
athletes in the CPA, the 2018 Jim Morris tickets, and to register, please
Classic is introducing a wheelchair division visit
to the program. We look forward to
welcoming the athletes, spectators, and the
CPA to Stratford for this event!