HEAD JUDGE CORNER She did not disappoint. She by the name of Kamal Elgargini of Libya. For those that presented a fantastic are not familiar with Kamal, he competes in the 212 physique and in my opinion Bodybuilding class. Those who follow Kamal you are very was an easy winner. She is familiar with him and his quick rise to the top of the IFBB one of the sports fastest Pro league. Kamal is a 7 time World Champion and rising stars. I look forward to because of difficulties with his country was not awarded the 2018 Olympia where his Pro Card. Kamal wanted to compete against the best Shanique Grant and Juliana in the world and that was the IFBB Pro League  division. Malacarne will go head to Without a Pro Card he was unable to complete against the head.   world’s best. Kamal reached out to IFBB Pro League president Jim Manion and explained his situation. Since In the bikini class, in my Kamal was a 7 time World Champion and should have opinion, there was a clear cut received his IFBB Pro Card Jim Manion granted Kamal the winner. This athlete Pro Card. As a result of being awarded the card Kamal exemplified the definition of stepped on the Arnold stage. His dream came true and he bikini. She came in excellent won the 212 division. If this wasn’t enough, Kamal won the condition with high tight Arnold’s at 46 years of age. Yes….46 years old!!! What a glutes. This athlete is wonderful accomplishment. I am looking forward to Angelica Teixeira. She has seeing Kamal on the IFBB Pro League stage.   proven that she can continually come into a competition in fantastic condition. Rounding off the top three in the bikini class was Janet Layug in 2nd and Casey Samsel in 3rd.     Since we are talking about rising stars…there was another one. This star goes Issue 27 | 234 CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE