Is “Fasted” Cardio Better Than Cardio Done Later In The Day? WRITTEN BY Darren Mehling For many of you who are in your contest prep phase, trying to fit in your work hours, time with family, and workouts all in the same day can be quite a challenge. Those of you who work long shifts and/or have little ones to get ready in the morning further dread the cardio sessions added to your daily responsibilities. It comes to no surprise then why I am regularly asked if early morning, empty stomach (or “fasted”) cardio is absolutely necessary to achieve your contest prep goals. The answer is ‘yes’, and ‘no’. Please let me explain. What Does Science Say? Several research studies have shown that empty stomach or fasted cardio, done in the morning, does utilize more fat than if that same cardio session, of similar intensity and duration, was completed after a meal. When you are in a fasted state, insulin levels are low. And when insulin levels are low, fat oxidation (“fat burning”) happens at an accelerated rate. Furthermore, low to moderate intensity steady state cardio does utilize fat oxidation as the primary fuel source. So, if done in a fasted state, in this case early in the morning, you will have a powerful 1-2 punch for effective fat loss!