OFF-SEASON 1. Continue to talk to yourself. Remind yourself that there are other important aspects of your life outside of the competition life. Off season hits HARD and heavy and come Monday when you have eaten all the treats, stayed out of the gym, drank no water and probably binged Netflix or friends. You may find yourself a little lost. This is where most athletes get stuck, and the downward spiral begins. They become demotivated. Usually getting back on the train is harder than before. This is a time to set new goals, inquire about other ways to increase your athletic ability off-season, spend time doing internal healing based on the outcome of your season and also to reincorporate some normal habits for the time being. Focus on these areas, as opposed to being obsessed with being off-season. 2. Have a plan. Sit down with your coach or training team, and create a plan for your offseason. Do this BEFORE you go into your off-season. Many people want to wait until the season is over, however then the week post competition the downward spiral starts. Instead of letting that happen, when you are nearing the end of the season, take some time to create a plan. Put importance into creating a stronger mind and body for the following season. Create a plan to work on your weakness. Take the yoga or skills courses that you did not have time to take in-season. The off-season should have a plan of personal investment in order to grow and come back stronger in the next season. 3. Forgive yourself and move forward. Do not beat yourself up if you are exhausted, miss a workout or enjoy a night out with your friends. The guilt you create only hurts you and your focus. Give yourself permission to be a human, outside of being an elite athlete., then these hiccups take less of a toll on you emotionally and you are not back peddling your progress.