Canadian Musician - November-December 2022 | Page 58


By Chris Lesso

The Rhythm of Practice

“ Beats are something you do ; drumming is something you live .”

The drums don ’ t want you to be good at them . The world will throw every excuse at you not to do it , where “ life gets in the way ” and there ’ s always something better to do . If this game were easy , everyone would be a champion ! It ’ s a daily challenge to step into the practice room and confront yourself , facing what you don ’ t know ( yet ). But if we can turn this ritual into the rhythm of habit , over time we ’ ll unleash our best selves through drumming .

That magical day is never coming when we win the lottery , finally “ getting it ,” where everything clicks in place . Instead , it ’ s found in the daily stacking of hard-won 1 % gains , facing days where we ’ re either wrestling dazed and confused , or when we show up to find the gift of one small victory . The slow drip of knowledge turned into action compounds over time , transforming you into the hero you were meant to be . The LTR Drumming Method gives you no forced practice regimen . Practice is a choice , one that we ’ re going to fuel with enthusiasm , curiosity , and fun . Even though we can bank on facing those days we just don ’ t feel like it , we take swift and steady action to craft a clearer , bolder message from our drums to the world , straight from the heart .
Turning practice into a lifestyle gives us momentum . Once you start riding this wave , you won ’ t want to let it fade . Momentum is energy in motion . A jet soaring above the clouds at 30,000 feet has serious momentum . The pilot can let the plane coast , and it will stay in flight . But once that plane has landed , it ’ s dead weight , and the spark to escape inertia has to be ignited all over again , demanding massive stores of energy . Killing your momentum gives false temptation to the thought of giving up and quitting . Progress , even if it ’ s 1 % each day , equals momentum over time . It feels messy , and can look like we ’ re zig-zagging on a fast track to nowhere . But the essence of true practice is to use these obstacles as fuel for the journey forward , the one that ’ s ours alone .
Drumming is fun but endlessly challenging . The rhythm of practice is where the rewards are earned and discovered , always on the other side of the work . And that ’ s why we love it ; we ’ re playing the infinite game . Practicing shouldn ’ t be a chore , becoming something you despise . Over time this only corrodes the joy of why we drum in the first place . To nurture this spark , we keep our mighty “ why ” front and centre , using it as fuel to move both on the days we can ’ t wait to play , but also when we ’ d rather be anywhere else . Motivation is a myth . There ’ s nothing in the wide world that will magically sit you behind the kit to pick up your sticks . This is the fire that burns within . For this reason , practice can never be forced . We can only craft the conditions to build this ritual of discovery into a lifelong rhythm of habit , where we embrace the honour of turning our daily drumming workout into a lifestyle . Let ’ s begin !
Feel the ‘ Wood in Your Hands ’ Once a Day ‘ Bitterness keeps you from flying .’ – Tim McGraw
Don ’ t blame the world for taking away your practice opportunities ; the power always lies within you . Drumming icon Joe Morello has said about practice that , “ Every day , I just want to feel the wood in my hands .” It can ’ t get any simpler than that ! What a beautiful prescription to live a life filled with the joy of drumming . Tell yourself that once a day before your head hits the pillow at night , you ’ ll feel the wood of the stick in the palm of your hand and commit to getting 1 % better . That ’ s it ! We all start with an idea in our mind ’ s eye , so clear we can touch it . Effortlessly channeling that inborn creativity only happens only when the drumset becomes our second home . You ’ ll get so comfortable with that “ wood in your hands ” feeling , that at a moment ’ s notice you can instantly come alive through the drums with an outpouring of expression . This attitude and lifestyle of enacting daily action towards our dreams can look like hours toiling behind the kit , or take as little as three mi n- utes . What looks to the world like high performance , is often as simple as checking that box off the list . So , feel that wood in your hands once a day , and just watch what unfolds .
I hope you ’ ve enjoyed this excerpt from my book , LTR Drumming Method : Launch ! Next issue , we ’ ll explore the four essential areas of the IREC practice model : Intuition , Reps , Edges , and Celebration . We ’ ll also calibrate your environment into a true practice dojo , how to keep your momentum going on those days you just can ’ t seem to find the time , and tactics on keeping practicing fun like it should be ! Drum with passion and stay great ! Let ’ s find your voice through drumming together at www . chrislesso . net / drum .
Chris Lesso is an expert on optimizing the power of drumming to improve focus , confidence , and self-expression . LTR ( Life Through Rhythm ) is an attitude and way of life , using drumming as a force to reach our fullest potential , and live the art of possibility every day . Chris is sponsored by Sonor , Remo , Sabian , Vic Firth , and Prologix . Get a free course at www . chrislesso . com .