Canadian Musician - May/June 2023 | Page 27

By Madison Galloway


How to Master Self-Promotion / The Road to Self-Promotion Mastery

Being a promoter / marketer is one of the many “ hats ’’ we wear as independent artists . However , it can be a challenging world to navigate , so here are 5 steps to get you started on your road to self-promotion mastery :

1 . Learn who your audience is Whether you ’ re starting a new ad campaign or making a post on your socials , knowing your audience is vital . Start building a fan profile by asking yourself the following questions :
What artists / bands do my fans like ?
How old are my fans ?
Where do my fans live ? Take a look at your social media insights ( Facebook , Instagram , Spotify , etc .). These platforms provide a lot of information ( including your audience demographics such as location and age ).
Making a post on your socials asking your fans who their favourite artists / bands are is a great way to get your answer to question # 1 , as well as engage with your fans .
2 . Connect with your audience Your fans are everything , so you want to make sure they feel appreciated . The best way to do that is by connecting with them :
• Send regular emails / newsletters
• Create a community for your fans like a Fan Club on your website or Facebook Group
• Post authentic content that lets your personality shine through
• Post content that allows you to engage and converse with your fans ( i . e ., ask a question ) and be responsive
Create some type of recurring content where your fans can get to know you ( livestream , podcast , blog / vlog , etc .)
Email ’ s not dead ; in fact , it ’ s been going strong for over 50 years . It ’ s advisable to have an email and / or phone number list to stay connected with your fans through something you own . Create a signup form on your website and offer a signup reward ( e . g ., an exclusive song ) for new subscribers . Then set up an automatic welcome email that includes their reward .
3 . Connect with peers & industry professionals Two heads are often better than one , so connect with your peers and share resources and opportunities with each other . If you have peers that share a similar musical style , set up some shows together so that you can introduce your fans to each other .
Attending conferences / panels is a fantastic way to network and promote yourself within the industry . If you want to continue to grow your audience and business , it ’ s likely you ’ ll need to add some members to your team at some point , so it ’ s great to start building those relationships now . Remember to always be professional and courteous when building and maintaining your relationships .
4 . The world is at your fingertips The internet is a “ stage ” with a massive audience , so take advantage of it ! Livestreaming and posting videos of covers / originals across your socials are great ways to reach this audience ; and utilising digital marketing can extend your reach .
Whether a potential fan is searching for a song on YouTube , scrolling their Instagram feed or listening to you for the first time in person , covers are an amazing way to draw that potential fan in . This is because you ’ re only introducing them to one new thing at a time - yourself . Then when hearing your originals , they ’ ll be more apt to like them because they already like you .
Your video doesn ’ t need to be highly produced to be highly effective . Sometimes , a video of you playing a song in your living room can be best - authenticity is your friend .
5 . Research , research , research , or … You have to consider time vs money . You can spend all your time researching and trying to figure it out yourself , which costs time , but saves you money . Or you can learn from someone who already has it figured out or even hire someone to do a job for you , which costs money , but saves you time . Don ’ t be afraid to invest in your career .
Some marketing gurus with courses / resources I have found extremely helpful in my own career ( not affiliated ) include Rick Barker , Indepreneur , Michael Walker , and Ari Herstand .
Additionally , you may want to : Keep a “ Master ” spreadsheet to keep track of contacts , venues , festivals / events , social stats , etc .
Share resources , opportunities , information with your peers
Attend conferences / panels , take great notes , and implement your top three takeaways
Seek a mentor
Finally , learning new things is excellent , but don ’ t get stuck always learning without actually doing . There you have it : five things that have helped me on my journey towards self-promotion mastery . What are you going to try first ?
Madison Galloway is an award-winning Canadian roots-rock artist based out of Toronto , Ontario . She can be reached at info @ madisongalloway . com .