Canadian Musician - March/April 2023 | Page 52

So , I ’ ll start with a warmup routine , where maybe I ’ ll focus on a particular sequential pattern on a random mode . For example , maybe I ’ ll play ascending sixths on a Phrygian scale and just warm up the hands for like 10 minutes . And then the bulk of my exercise , will involve working on stuff I might have coming up for a gig or maybe some new idea that I ’ m trying to work into my playing . But I feel like after all that stuff is done , I just try to make music on my own , and just improvise for a bit , which does a couple of things . It sort of reminds me why I picked up the instrument in the first place , and keeps that magic alive . But it ’ s also great for sharpening my intuitive skills and my ability to react to what I ’ m hearing . So , I ’ ll play a sound , then I ’ ll react to that sound in the same way that I ’ ll get on stage and hear a sound and react to that sound . So , I ’ m trying to just sharpen that skill , and know where to go and know how to play what ’ s in my head . That ’ s my practice routine in a nutshell .
practice schedule , it ’ s kind of hectic , because I like chaos . I love the ability to discover something new within yourself , and also something new that may not necessarily be conventional within an instrument . So having the ability to stumble upon inspiration , it ’ s something that I really deeply enjoy . And I like to combine my bass practicing mindset with composition . I think if I can discover new things about my musical language , I can incorporate that into creating my own bass style .
SYPEREK : I used to practice a lot more . I would run down like Bootsy Collins basslines and play along and once I had it right , then I would just play it with a metronome and just try and get it as funky as possible . That ’ s pretty much been my approach to practicing .
BROWN : I talk about this a lot with my students . When I practice , I try to break things into different compartments .
LETELLIER : I do have a bunch of different practice regimens . It kind of depends on what ’ s going on in my life . If I ’ m on tour , it ’ s one kind of thing . If I ’ m at home , and I ’ ve got all these days in a line , it ’ s definitely going to be more regimented . I like to focus on what a lot of people would describe as the boring stuff : scales and time and playing with the metronome and that kind of stuff . I think it ’ s important to keep up to date on those things and not let it go .
CM : Going back to the beginnings of your musicianship , why did you choose the bass ?