Canadian Musician - July/August 2021 | Page 39

Adrian Sutherland
Shawnee Kish
Thisdale : We ’ ve been releasing a new song every month since last October . So that keeps me plenty busy . So , all of that – like having the meetings , brainstorming , like , “ how do we survive this thing ?” – that ’ s keeping us focused , I guess , in a sense and busy enough that we ’ re not going insane .
CM : Dudes , thank you . What ’ s one thing you ’ d like to tell those folks who are struggling ?
Thisdale : Go outside ! Yes , if anything , just go outside . Go hiking , go swimming – whatever . Yeah , get out of your house .
Ross : And give somebody in your bubble a big hug !
There you go . Connection . Movement . Fresh air . The boys are onto something because when I spoke with Adrian Sutherland of Midnight Shine , he was singing the same tune . Movement . Nature . Eating well .
So , question number two : What if we asked for help to improve just 1 % each day ?
Adrian Sutherland
( Midnight Shine )
Roots Rock – Attawapiskat , ON
Sutherland has been a leader in the Music Fit community , investing his energy into self-care and seeing the results . I understand that it can seem overwhelming to start living a healthier lifestyle . Where do you start ?
CM : Adrian , thanks for your time – you ’ re a busy man ! And you ’ re able to get it all done now . How did you come to realize you wanted to change your lifestyle ?
Sutherland : It ’ s been extremely busy . I mean , I ’ m going steady like every day . We have a small eatery and coffee shop here in the community . Those businesses and those responsibilities , plus family , plus music . It just really piles on you and then it can be very difficult and there ’ s never enough time in the day to get all the things done that you need to . So , a lot of times I was fighting myself by putting my own well-being on the back burner and getting lost in all the responsibilities .
CM : So , what changed ?
Sutherland : I was starting to feel really crappy about myself . I was tired , I didn ’ t feel great , couldn ’ t focus , I was gaining weight , all the things that make you feel miserable . I just knew it was time to reach out and get some coaching or some help to get me back on track . And I think that was a very good decision on my behalf .
CM : What difference have you seen in your life since you made that decision ?
Sutherland : I feel much better . I feel like I can focus a lot better . Physically for sure , I definitely have more energy and everything seems sharper to me . With everything I ’ m doing with work , I ’ m able to focus a lot better if I ’ m eating well and looking after myself . So , that ’ s got to be first and foremost ; physically I feel better and then emotionally I start to feel good about myself as well .
CM : What ’ s the key to that ?
Sutherland : Not beating myself up and trying to improve continuously . In the past I ’ d say , “ Ah , I ate all this garbage ” and I stopped kind of looking at things that way and then just said , “ Okay , well yeah , we didn ’ t have a great day , but there ’ s always tomorrow and the next day , right ?”
CM : So cool . What else is important for your mental game ?
Sutherland : For me , nature has always been a way to step out from , particularly , my work life and the music life . It ’ s just a way for me to recharge and helps me focus better . The more I ’ m out there , the more things become clearer for me . The wheels are always turning , right ? [ laughs ]
CM : Absolutely , so much of it is your space . On that note , how has your community played a role in your health ?
Sutherland : When you live in a healthy community , you feel healthier and you feel happier . So , if you ’ re getting out and trying to get involved in making your community better , it ’ s really going to help with your well-being .
CM : Cool . What ’ s your message for anyone feeling stuck or frustrated ?
Sutherland : There ’ s always a new day . We got to make the best of the situation in front of us . There ’ s always going to be time to pick yourself up again , time to get yourself back in the saddle and keep charging forward .
So far it ’ s clear to see the relationship between a healthy body and a healthy mind . There are the obvious ones most of us understand , like eating well and exercise . That ’ s all present-moment stuff . I was curious to know if our ability to overcome challenges stem from a deeper place .
Question number three : What if the way we handled adversity had a relationship with identity and resiliency ?
Shawnee Kish
Singer-songwriter - Toronto , ON
CM : Your story is one of resilience . How much do your past experiences play a role in where you ’ re currently at ?
Shawnee Kish : I ’ ve spent a lot – a lot – a lot of time within myself , questioning everything . Questioning my identity and all of that struggle . I ’ ve come to this place of understanding with myself and with the help of my culture , spirit , and art and music where I ’ m okay not being okay . I ’ m okay not knowing the answers . I ’ m okay with not knowing who exactly I am at what moments . Within my career I seek to share that with people .
CM : How did you find that peace ?
Kish : I remember having this ultimate CANADIAN MUSICIAN 39