Canadian Musician - January/February 2021 | Page 58


Developing Left Hand Comping Independence on Piano

By Will Bonness

Hand independence is one of the great challenges of playing the piano . With two hands , ten fingers , and 88 keys , there are few limits to the potential of the instrument .

A typical scenario finds the pianist performing with a rhythm section ( typically bass and drums ), playing a melodic line in the right hand , and comping in the left hand . Ideally , the rhythms in the left hand are complementary to , but independent from , the right-hand line . But many pianists struggle to “ untie ” the hands , and they end up playing the same comping rhythms repeatedly , or playing rhythms that are very similar in both hands .
A simple exercise to develop hand independence in this context is to take a simple comping rhythm and play it repeatedly in the left hand while playing a set melody or solo transcription in the right hand . You can begin with simple offbeat rhythms , such as :
Once you are comfortable with these rhythms , try two chords per bar . You can start with the “ Charleston ” rhythm :
Compose your own rhythms , write them down , and practice them with several different melodies and chord progressions . Once you can play several rhythms comfortably , mix them up from bar to bar to add variety . Over time , you will develop more control over your left hand , and you will have more freedom to play a variety of left-hand rhythms .
Play this rhythm in your left hand while playing a melody in your right hand . Here is how the left hand might look over the first four bars of a blues in C :
Next , move the left hand to each different offbeat and repeat the process . Here are the four different offbeat rhythms you can play in 4 / 4 time :
If you are comping on an offbeat leading into a new chord , you will want to anticipate the chord . Here is how this exercise would look comping on the ‘ and ’ of four , again over the first four bars of a blues in C :
Will Bonness is a pianist and composer from Winnipeg . His career began at age 17 , when he joined M aynard Ferguson ’ s band for a world tour . He has since performed internationally at major venues and festivals , and has three albums to his credit . His latest album , Change of Plans , has garnered accolades and radio play throughout the U . S . and Canada , and has been featured on several Spotify editorial playlists . Will teaches at the University of Manitoba , where he has been professor of jazz piano since 2012 . www . willbonness . com .