Canadian Music Trade - June/July 2002 | Page 11

MakeMusic & Alfred Music Provide Displaced Ukrainian Students & Teachers Access to Suzuki Titles
MakeMusic , makers of SmartMusic , and Alfred Music , in conjunction with The International Suzuki Association , have come together to provide access to popular Suzuki titles to teachers and students who are displaced due to the war in Ukraine .
One way to access these Suzuki titles will be via SmartMusic ’ s online platform .
Most Suzuki titles will be available via assessment and / or digital sheet music .
The Ukrainian Suzuki Association said , “ From the beginning of the war in Ukraine , many of our families and teachers had to leave our country to protect themselves and their families . We thought first of all about our lives and safety ; sometimes we had the possibility to bring our instruments and music books but sometimes not . We were very happy to hear that Alfred Music was ready to help our families and provide online Suzuki books . It would be a great help for us in teaching to have the possibility to use them . And in future , it will help us to spread the Suzuki method in Ukraine .”
Gibson Wins Ruling on its Guitar Shapes & Trademarks Gibson has won its U . S . court case against Dean Guitars over trademark infringement by the latter company . In response , Dean Guitars released its own statement , claiming victory over three of its models that were not found guilty of trademark infringement and putting a positive spin on the outcome .
A statement from Gibson reads : “ The court s decision by jury today ( May 27 ), to uphold Gib- son s long-established and well-recognized trademarks for Gibson s innovative and iconic guitar shapes is a win for Gibson and the music community at large . The court found that the Gibson Trademarks are valid , the Gibson shapes are not generic , and the defendants were guilty of both infringement and counterfeiting . Gibson is very pleased with the outcome after years of simply trying to protect their brand and business through well recognized intellectual prop- erty rights , rights that have been Gibson ’ s for decades . Gibson ’ s guitar shapes are iconic , and now are firmly protect- ed for the past , pres- ent , and future . From a broader perspective , this court decision is also a win for Gibson fans , artists , dealers , and related partners who expect and deserve authenticity . Not to mention for all of the iconic American brands that have invested in meaningful innovation and continued protection , only to see it diluted with unauthorized and often illegitimate knockoffs . Gibson can now focus attention on continuing to leverage its iconic past , and invest in future innovation , with confidence .”
As reported by MusicRadar , Dean Guitars was not found to have infringed on Gibson ’ s standalone trademark for the Flying V electric guitar .