Culturally Diverse Families in Canada
Canada is lucky to have a very high immigration rate. In fact, one in five people in Canada we born outside of the country. Therefore, there are many different cultures present throughout this country. Culture can be represented through many different aspects such as: food, c,othing, language, religion, symbols, etc. A child raised in a certain cullture will learn and accept this culture as their own. The heritage between each culture is very important to the individual's personal identity. In turn, when two individuals with different cultures decide to enter a relationship, the risk of conflict increases. This multicultural relationship has harder choices to be made such as in which religion
will the children be raised. Culture is a very strong aspect in humans as it affects everyday life such as parental expectations, religious beliefs, and prenantal
Therefore cultural parenting models affect the way in which a child is raised. In order to avoid becoming an entropic family, family traditions must be made, however unique. The individual's in the relationship must respect differences, look for things in common, be patient, open-minded to try new things and lastly, plan for the future. With these aspects put forward in a relationship, the couple will be able to overcome conflict and instability to reach the next stage, which is compromise and stability.
-Angelica White