Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine September 2018 | Page 204

Many forget that investing is not just about buying securities and includes investing your time researching … pursuing education … career development … and starting your own business.

I was very fortunate

recently to corner a budding entrepreneur …..

I am here with Michelle Leroux, founder of White Rabbit Events. Michelle, I can already picture the faces of our readers doing the doubletake when visiting your website (click here) and trying to figure out what this has to do with the legal cannabis industry, let alone investing. I am a frequent guest speaker and was recently on the main stage panel at the LIFT Expo. I remind all that investing in this industry is not limited to buying shares on the stock market. Investing may be for education, career, or investing in your own business such as you have done. Canada needs entrepreneurs such as yourself. Now for disclosure, we have somewhat known one another for almost three years through a shared interest in being successful participants in the industry.

Can you walk us through your journey from career person to entrepreneur and share a quick summary of what White Rabbit Events is and just how does your company fits in the legalcannabis space?

Michelle Leroux, White Rabbit Events

Louis Kyron, CCIM