Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine September 2018 | Page 327

Therefore it is important to lower the inflammatory responses when there is too much inflammation in body. The use of natural anti-inflammatories is key for assisting healing from many diseases. Unlike pharmaceuticals both by prescription and OTC that only treat the symptoms and not the cause, they are very limited on what pathways they are targeting. The also have side effects and some have addiction issues such as opioids which do not have direct anti-inflammatory effect but mainly analgesic effects. Thus never helping the person heal from their diseases when they take them.

It is not that there is a direct ECS deficiency but more that there is a chronic insult of Westernized dietary and lifestyle that has lead to more chronic states of inflammation. The ECS is important part of self-regulation of maintaining health, one being helping with maintaining a healthy inflammatory response. Reducing inflammation as an overall natural approach that uses plants as medicine or food as medicine is key. CBD from the right source with a full spectrum terpene profile is a natural and safe option for a variety of health conditions as it provides not only an anti-inflammatory action but also improves other aspects of diseases though additional healing properties.

Louis: Doctor, related to the first question. There is growing evidence suggesting that the modern diet and lifestyle also contribute to chronic inflammation. Would a diet and lifestyle that does not contribute to chronic inflammation be recommended?

Dr. Pai: Yes. It is the main contributing factor to our chronic inflammation. Being an evidence-based Integrative MD, I only recommend eating a whole foods plant based diet which scientifically has been shown to be the most anti-inflammatory diet and healthiest lifestyle for all diseases and health problems.

My book An Inflammation Nation covers the 10 steps to reduce inflammation through diet and lifestyle changes and using