Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine September 2018 | Page 325

Dr. Pai: My name is Sunil Pai, MD and I am an internationally recognized an expert in Integrative Medicine for over 18 years, author, radio host, health activist/influencer and thought leader in the wellness industry. I am the founder of House of Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA.

Louis: Thank you for this brief discussion Dr. Pai. Let's get right into it. Readers, remember this is for discussion and awareness purposes only and no medical advice is being given or inferred. Doctor, our endogenous cannabinoid system, among its other roles, is said to play a key role in modulating inflammation. What is the potential significance to modern science, treatment options of choice, and our overall health should it be proven that reducing or eliminating cannabinoid system deficiency leads to reduced chronic inflammation? I realize that question invites a medical journal sized response but as succinctly as possible ...

Chronic Inflammation

Health and Lifestyle, CBD, and Delivery Methods

Dr. Sunil Pai,


Louis Kyron, CPA,CGA