Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine October 2018 | Page 196

What’s the deal with … ETFs?

I don’t know how many times I’ve almost tossed my cookies over the past 3 years or so. But if you don’t have the appetite for risk and volatility, there is a potential solution: Exchange-Traded Fund(s), or more commonly known as, ETFs. For someone getting into the cannabis sector now and looking to invest, I cringe. Not because there isn’t room for growth, and opportunities to make money long term, but because I have seen most of these stocks at their infancy when price per share was a fraction of what it is now. So the idea of paying 10x what I originally purchased some of these stocks for makes me queasy. However, that being said, there is considerable inflow of investment monies flowing into the cannabis sector and more to come. Big deals are being announced. Big banks getting in on the action. And big things to come, we hope.

By Spiro Sertsis, CPA, CMA

Well, where do I start? Hopefully everyone is reaping the fruits of this most recent run-up in the cannabis sector. Things have been trending upward for quite a few weeks now, and hopefully by the time this is published, we don’t see any set-backs. But if we did, it’s the chance we take investing in this sector. One must be prepared to wake up and log into their trading accounts and have Gravol by their side when the dreaded RED ALERT appears in your portfolio.