Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine November 2017 | Page 228

By Contributing Editor R.W. Navis

As cannabis business editor and contributor to all major cannabis business publications there is one question I get over and over again. Whether its high net worth, private equity, capital fund or family office investors they all want to know about cannabis investments that don’t touch the plant. The reasoning is sound. They feel that this will protect them from the shifting political winds on the local, state and federal level.

About a year ago I wrote about an incredible new hemp based CBD cream that was gaining momentum rapidly especially amongst professional athletes and celebrities. Over lunch one day the owner of this company introduced me to a longtime friend of his who was launching a very interesting concept in the Medical Marijuana field.

His new endeavor was a chain of Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers on the east coast. This company would act as a practice management company supporting doctors who make medical cannabis recommendations.

Incredible Business Opportunity

not Touching the Flower