Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine May / June 2018 | Page 85



Louis. Kyron, CPA, CGA

@Louis. Kyron

Louis. Kyron, CPA, CGA



Although some now accept M&A is here and a few realize it is normal and explained by the consolidation curve, there remains a basic truth and once again that truth relies on viewing the industry as an ecosystem. Survival of the fittest. If the price of cannabis starts to fall as many have predicted how is that not like the environmental stresses placed on an animals and vegetation (ie: on ecosystems)? If the black-market fights back with quality consistent product at superior prices is that not the same as an invasive species or a defending pack? How quickly can some adapt to new processes and technologies and regulatory changes? Early dominant companies may fail … newer companies may rise to the top. Darwinism just may govern our industry.