Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine May / June 2018 | Page 78




Weedman character was created and is the sole property of and owned by Chloë Kyron. All rights reserved. The image including any likeness cannot be used in any manner without the expressed written consent by Chloë Kyron.

Any company referenced is purely for discussion purposes and not intended as a recommendation.

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA

It is that easy to plant seeds that foster a growing attitude of ignorance and worse - of indifference of protecting children and those they come in contact with (including the most vulnerable) against disease (ie: life and death in some cases). Therefore, convincing just enough retail investors to move off of or away from their position is child’s play in comparison because these stock manipulating hucksters are coordinated, relentless, and have tools that did not exist when the Lancet Study was conducted such as social media, bulletin boards, and programmed trades. The principals behind the Lancet Study also did not use game theory, psychology, and trumped up pumping to promote and spread their “findings”.

There is a wonderful summary performed by the legendary Penn and Teller that not only succinctly addresses the ignorance of the anti-vaccination movement, but one can could substitute anti-vaccine or Lancet Study with “paid promoter/influencer” and the diseases with the opinions of these short seller syndicates and overly bullish paid promoters/influencers. This Penn and Teller link contains profanity so be warned.