Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine March 2018 | Page 291

Humans the world over have used the hemp plant in many forms for thousands of years, and modern processing technologies have given it nearly unlimited applications. To date, over 50,000 applications have been found, and each one of them has the potential to shrink our carbon footprint. Also, since this plant can be easily grown in our unpredictable Alberta climate, it could give our local economy a much-needed boost. There are so many positives to embracing this super plant as part of our everyday lives.

Here’s 10 ways this crop is used today (some of them may surprise you)!


Whether it’s your 3 pound rabbit or that 500 pound bear you probably shouldn’t have domesticated, all mammals alike need their Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Hemp oil is an excellent source for all your EFAs, and it is a natural way to improve your pet’s joint health, lower its risk of cancer, and improve their skin and coat. It can be used alongside any medications and can reduce your pet’s anxiety levels!


HemPetz Hemp Seed Oil Supplement
