Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June / July 2018 | Page 190


With the blurry regulations federally and state-to-state, its sometimes easy to forget that there still are companies operating within states that have a legal framework that are publicly traded in our fine country.. And with some divine hopes and prayers, federal regulators will finally see the light. This could create a competitive advantage to those already in the game in the USA.

Needless to say, Las Vegas will be different when I go back to visit, hopefully some time soon. I will definitely be checking out the dispensaries in and around the area, possibly even a facility, who knows, and provide some firsthand perspective. Hard to beat going to an adult playground, and now bringing cannabis into the picture, perhaps I’ll be spending more time in one of the opulent hotel’s gloriously landscaped pools ...a relaxing Vegas vacation for a change.

Spiro Sertsis, CPA, CMA
