Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 34

Cheers! Now we may have touched on it already above ... what do you feel is/are the greatest challenges in the near term and long term facing the legal cannabis industry in Canada and albeit Hemp is a sativa there are legal differences ... where do you see that industry heading?

Right now the government regulation has been a big challenge for the cannabis industry. With the above mentioned in my previous answers, these are just some of the issues that are currently hindering the industry.

However as with anything as big as this is, it needs to be done properly and unfortunately slowly. You wouldn't give someone with a new driver’s license a race car as their first car would you?

It's important to remember that things are done this way for a reason, and while not everything is exactly the way it could be, it doesn't mean it cannot grow and change as time goes on. As far as which direction I see the industry headed, I see the industry headed nowhere but up!

As far as which direction I see the industry headed, I see the industry headed nowhere but up!

government licenses for a wide selection of cannabis-related products and services, including business consultation, product development, education, medical & cultivation licensing.

To date we have help thousands of individuals and a growing number of successful businesses obtain the necessary documentation and licenses for their cannabis needs. We have a wonderful partnerships with The Cannabis Scout, Cannabis Haven International,, CannaBeds and Shatterizer to name just a few.

We also would not be here if it were not for the amazing work of our web & graphic designer Brian Johnson of Brian Johnson Designs and our wonderful publicist wonderful publicist Tracy Lamourie of Lamourie PR. They both do amazing work for us.