Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 182

Haaaa that’s funny it’s a common topic of conversation amongst the Financial Planners I know. I actually think the commercials are cleverly done despite being inaccurate. If you read their own fine print shows it’s based in 85 average Global Neutral Balanced Funds, so not even some of the top performing funds and they also don’t stand behind the reasonableness of their assumtptions.

OK … now let’s change gears. You offer an email circulation whereby you alert those on it of current or upcoming private placement opportunities. My understanding is that you do not charge new clients to register or open an account … is that correct AND from there what is the significance of being able to participate in private placements?

The notion that simply saving the fee your advisor is paid and that would make you richer is pure sophistry. I will say this, if you have an advisor that doesn’t look after your full financial plan, isn’t proactive and doesn’t add real value then you should look at finding an advisor who does or look at some self-directed options. There is definitely a shift to the advisor to show the value they add. I should say this is a goodthing. A Vanguard study has shown that advisors added as high as 3 percentage points on just the investment advice alone. This was portfolio construction, wealth management and behavioural coaching. Now if you have an advisor that actually shows you how to save tax, to properly integrate and utilize pension plans and RRSP etc. you can see there is a lot more value there.

That is correct. I have been fortunate enough to have access to a lot of new marijuana issues both initial public offerings and private placements. I extend this to the readers so they can have a knoweldgibale point of contact for their inquiries. Its obviously also a way for me to develop and grow my business. Participating in the private placements can often yield great returns with little funds invested. The risk is there but if you are only putting a small portion of your capital into them, then the overall risk to your portfolio shouldn’t be significant.