Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 161

and for you specifically … Quality of:

The legal cannabis whether medical or recreational – Anyone purporting alternative facts of black market superior quality are contributing to the more nefarious activities often associated with those entities participating in illegal supply and distribution of cannabis (hard drugs, human trafficking, gun trafficking, extortion, and so forth).

The accessories being used to deliver or consume the legal cannabis;

Your investment, financial, and health information;

Education – is it from a leading accredited post-secondary institution such as Durham College in Ontario (with online access throughout Canada) or some inhouse program from a non-accredited post-secondary institution? The Cannabis Act itself forbids any content that may be seen as promoting the health benefits of cannabis or any lifestyle inferences. There are some exceptions such as when done so by a recognized educational institute or if done so as an opinion in the context of editorial or journalism. CannaInvestor Magazine is an example of the latter and Durham College the former? Paid content from a foreign paid promoter or courses offered by non-accredited institutions may not be. Always con

The individual(s) providing content – are they CPAs, CFPs, Lawyers, Medical Professionals with a duty of care or hobbyists, opportunists, and paid promoters? Do they have a duty of care to you or not? Are you paying for memberships that when you really think about it … are just a means to facilitate to target and coordinate trading activities and other speculative activities (with disclaimers that may mean zero if challenged) OR are you truly paying for financial, investment advice and strategies?

Quality Quality Quality. It is that simple. And that is the CannaInvestor advantage. Until next time, invest long and prosper. All content is provided for information purposes only so as to facilitate discussion and awareness. References to companies and events are for the sole purpose of illustration and as examples without prejudice. Our content is not financial, investment, tax, health, or legal advice. We are not responsible for the content of others and we do attempt to ensure accuracy but we cannot guarantee it.